Apex Legends Mobile kicked off its regional launch test on March 7, which means battle royale fans around the world are hungry to get their first crack at Respawn’s mobile-centric variation. Below, we outline everything you need to know about the game including its list of available characters, steps to install the game on Android and iOS, as well as a rough estimate for when the game is expected to release on a global basis. If you’ve got big questions, we’re prepared to answer them below.
Nope. As indicated by its name, Apex Legends Mobile is an entirely unique version of the wider Apex Legends format. It’s a completely separate app with its own store, list of playable characters, progression, and modes. Like PUBG Mobile and Call of Duty Mobile before it, Apex Legends Mobile is its own experience. That means the game could feature mobile-exclusive maps and even mobile-first characters.
In that vein it should be noted that, while Apex’s creators at Respawn Entertainment have been assisting with the app’s development, it’s also being worked on at LightSpeed & Quantum Studio, the subsidiary of Tencent responsible for the development of PUBG Mobile.
Apex Legends Mobile appears to be starting from scratch with regard to its design and character count, but there are a few modern amenities available when it comes to the modes fans can play throughout the testing period.
Apex Legends Mobile features a trimmed-down character roster.
Electronic ArtsStarting with the Legends themselves, here’s the full list of characters testers will have access to during the pre-launch period.
World’s Edge will be the only map available during the test, and it’s tailored for these modes of play.
The main Battle Royale mode of Apex Legends is widely available for players to enjoy, but, much like we’ve seen in games like PUBG Mobile, the Apex Legends Mobile development team isn’t shy about turning the last-man-standing concept on its head to offer a more curated mobile experience. A straightforward mode like TDM, for example, hasn’t been offered in other versions of Apex Legends since the game stealth launched in 2019. Regardless, the mode has presumably been selected to attract the more mainstream mobile market.
If you’d like to know precisely when Apex Legends Mobile is available to test in your region, you should pre-register. Here’s the link to the Android pre-registration site. Just log in with your Google account and press the “pre-register” button. An iOS pre-registration link is said to arrive soon.
Here are the in-game rewards players can unlock by pre-registering for access to Apex Legends Mobile.
Electronic ArtsPlayers will receive in-game rewards based on the amount of community members that pre-register for the beta. Here’s what’s on offer.
All rewards except the Bloodhound skin have already been unlocked, so it’s likely only a matter of hours before the full suite of rewards unlocks for everyone.
As it stands right now, Apex Legends Mobile is only officially available to download in the following countries:
Should you live outside those territories, YouTubers like This is Chris and JustSpawn have reportedly found unofficial ways to make the game playable even in the United States. While we wouldn’t recommend trying the process as the results appear to be hit or miss and could mess with access to existing apps on your phone, tinkerers and those with strong technical knowledge are welcome to give it a shot.
A guide to installing the Apex Legends Mobile regional test in any territory.
Note that you can only switch your App Store region every 90 days, which will make it impossible to switch back for 90 days if you opt to make this change.
If this sounds like too much work, we strongly suggest waiting for the Apex Legends Mobile test to launch officially in your region.
Whether you’re playing on iOS or Android, your device must meet the following minimum thresholds.
Generally speaking, then, the game seems to do a pretty solid job performing on new and old devices alike.
On that subject, Respawn has only announced that Apex Legends Mobile is expected to launch globally sometime this year. We imagine a U.S. testing period will begin in the spring or summer as long as development continues as normal. Mobile launches tend to happen without much advance warning, so we’ll do our best to keep tabs on Apex Legends Mobile news as it happens.
Apex Legends Mobile looks a lot like its console and PC counterparts.
Electronic ArtsIt should be noted that Respawn suggests the game’s mobile store will be accessible through May 3, so that may be an interesting date to keep an eye on for the global launch.
Yes! When pre-registration began on March 17, EA released a pre-registration trailer to show off the game in action. You can watch it below.
The Apex Legends Mobile pre-registration trailer
There are a few other things to note about the Apex Legends Mobile test that we haven’t mentioned yet, so we’ll recap those facts below.
This article was originally published on March 8, 2022